In his letter to his fellow seniors, 1970 Seacrest High School class President Paul Levin wrote; "The brevity of these years is astonising. It seems like yesterday we began our first class, timid, yet radiating an appearance of tremendous power and ability. As the years have progressed we have been forming a character quite our own. After much fear, uncertainty, success, and fun we now depart. It's not as simple as that though. The school has instilled memories that won't expire, and we have made a mark that the school can't erase."
1970. Seems like light years ago. But Paul was right. We still have our memories. Some funny, some not so funny. Most of us, thankfully, have some of both. As I say in my personal info, my favorite memory is Mike Vaughn, standing in the middle of the lunch room (1970) - beanie on - singing the school song full tilt (see pic - though we all know Mike has a great voice - I can't help but point out that Robert Baker has his finger in his ear!)
Where did the time go? What's your favorite memory? Let's do as Paul Levin said and keep SHS/AHS memories alive - post - and post often! Debbie Kolendo Wilson (AHS '72)
I remember polishing the seal my first year and singing the Alma Mater in the lunchroom. Three years later I was knee deep in a rice patty in SE Asia. How times changed.
ReplyDeleteLooks like Mike McMurray next to Mike V, singing away! I also had the 'pleasure' of seal polishing, carrying seniors' books etc., until the wonderful senior, Betsy Tyson, saved me by saying I was her personal sophomore slave and then nobody else bothered me for the rest of the initiation period! Didn't we have fun??!!
ReplyDeletesusan (sessler) H.
Are you sure that's not Sal Polifrone with his finger in his ear.
ReplyDeleteAugist Huber
Does anyone remember the walk out? I remember we were protesting something on the North lawn...but I don't remember what...*sigh*
ReplyDeleteHey that's either Sal Polifron or Alfred E. Meuman....LOL
ReplyDeleteRobert Baker or Sal? If my memory serves me right (maybe Mike Vaughn will check in on this one day) this day was the reason I never ate in the cafeteria again that year. A couple football players (Larry Shoeman I think was one of them) made Mike & Mike come over to a table of upper classmen to sing. I think if Sal had been there he would have been made to sing also!
ReplyDeleteIt's so sad to see the school torn down; and David, I vaguely remember a walk-out - anybody else know what it was about? Memories? Football games, beat tags, Miss Craig (what a sweetie, and easiest class I ever took), Glen Snow making funny comments to me in Mr Sargents class (who, by the way, I had for English TWO yrs. in a row!! :( - but I guess this is about good memories....
ReplyDeleteSorry, the above comment was mine - Margaret Gregory Koch
ReplyDeleteNo, August (Skeeter!) that definitely is Robert Baker, not Sal P.
ReplyDeleteI remember the 'walk out'....I also remember Mr. Owens (what a nice guy) trying to get his son, Gregor, and Mark Weisburg (wasn't he our class pres that year?) to convince us to get back to class.. what great political issue were we trying to solve??? Vietnam, racial inequality, feminism, we probably used all of the afore-mentioned to get out of an hour or so of classwork!!
Gee whiz. Where was I? I don't remember the "walk out" at all. Susan - since you are still in Delray, can you tell us if there was any controversy over the leveling of the SHS AHS school building?